Worship Ministries

All Saints offers a variety of worship ministries, and we welcome you to join any of them.


Acolytes lead the processionals in and out of the church and assist the priest during the service. Acolyte roles include those from Kindergarten through High School. 

Altar Guild

This ministry sets the stage for all our worship services, including weddings, baptisms and funerals. The Altar Guild both cares for and places all vessels used during the Eucharist, including candles, flowers, linens, paraments, and vestments. 

Digital Ministry

This ministry involves keeping our online community engaged through live-streaming worship and special programs.

Eucharistic Ministers (EMs)

EMs assist with administration of the wine at any celebration of the Eucharist and lead the intercessory prayers. EMs include adults and confirmed youth.   



Friends provide a gentle helping hand to those who may not be as familiar with services at the Episcopal Church, available to assist only if and when you need it!


Greeters provides a ministry of hospitality, welcoming all newcomers and visitors. This ministry includes adults and high school youth.     

Music Ministry

The Adult Choir sings throughout the year. Children’s choirs perform periodically.  



Lay Readers read the Old Testament and New Testament lessons during services. Lectors include adults and youth grades 4 and older.


Ushers assist those coming into the church, providing Sunday bulletins and directions. Ushers take up the collection and assist communicants to and from the altar. Ushering is open to adults and youth ages 4th grade and older.           

If you would like additional information about our Worship ministries, we invite you to complete our Ministry interest card.