A welcoming community of faith practicing and preaching the love of Jesus
Lent & Easter at All Saints
Worship Service Streaming Information
All Saints services are streamed to both Facebook and YouTube for anyone who is unable to attend or uncomfortable attending public gatherings at this time. All worship services are now mask-optional. Find the bulletin for Sunday services here.
March 5th: Ash Wednesday Services
Ashes to Go: 7:00 - 8:30 am, Parking Lot
Imposition of Ashes and Holy Eucharist: Noon and 7:00 p.m.
Wednesdays, Mar 12 - Apr 9, Noon: Stations of the Cross
During Lent, our Contemplative Noonday service time is designated for Stations of the Cross in the Sanctuary
Thursdays, Mar 13 - Apr 10, 5:45 pm - 7:15 pm: Lenten Program, Growing in Christ.
Join us for worship, potluck, and small group discussions as we discover together how scripture can inform our daily lives.
March 14th: Lenten Taizé service, 7 pm in the Sanctuary
A service of Scripture readings, repetitively sung prayer, candle lighting, and silence, encouraging us to lean into the gift of Holy Silence during Lent.
Holy Week and Easter
April 13th: Palm Cross Workshop and Parish Workday
A day to prepare for Palm Sunday and Holy Week, as we make palm crosses and help clean up our campus.
April 13th: Palm Sunday Worship, 10:15 a.m.
Worship begins outdoors with the Blessing and Procession of the Palms. Service with incense.
April 17th: Maundy Thursday Liturgy, 7:00 p.m.
The first service of the Triduum, as we remember the Last Supper and Jesus washing the disciples feet.
April 17th:Vigil, Keep Watch with Me, 10:00 pm - 10:00 am:
A chance to keep watch at the altar throughout the night.
April 18th: Good Friday
Stations of the Cross, Noon.A time for us to walk together in the Way of the Cross.
Good Friday Liturgy, 7:00 p.m.The second service of the Triduum, recalling Jesus’ sacrifice and death on the cross.
April 19th: Holy Saturday Service, 10:00 a.m.
A quiet time of worship, as we recognize the time Jesus descended to the dead.
April 20th: Easter Day
Great Vigil of Easter, 6:30 a.m.The third service of the Triduum, including a Service of Light, readings of God’s saving grace in human history, and the first Eucharist of Easter.
Festal Easter Holy Eucharist, 10:15 a.m.The second service of Easter, as we begin the Great Fifty Days. With incense.