A welcoming community of faith practicing and preaching the love of Jesus
Community Life Ministries
All Saints offers a variety of community life ministries, and we welcome you to get involved in the life of the church.
Episcopal Church Women (ECW) is open to all women of All Saints Episcopal Church. Our mission is to encourage the women of the church to share in the whole life of the church, bound together by their common love for God, their common concern for humanity, their common zeal for spreading the Gospel—by promoting and stimulating worship, study, service, and fellowship. The group meets the first Tuesday of each month, summer months excepted.
Fellowship Committee is a ministry of hospitality that sponsors the monthly covered dish, newcomers’ receptions, Sunday hospitality hours, and various social events throughout the year.
Foyers are small groups made up of couples and singles who meet monthly for a simple meal, relaxed conversation, and Christian fellowship. There is always room at the table!
Green Team strives to minimize the environmental impact of our church and educate our people.
Helping Hands is a blessed team of helpers who assist with administrative support in the church office, typically Tuesday through Thursday mornings.
Memorial Committee guides All Saints in the use of gifts given in memory of loved ones.
Men’s Group includes all the men of All Saints and meets monthly at a local venue for an evening of Christian fellowship, and periodically engages in supporting our parish picnic and work days.
Stewardship Committee helps us recognize that all we have is a gift of God’s grace and providing a path to give of those gifts to God’s glory.
The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) at All Saints has both a Senior Chapter (Mary’s Heart and Martha’s Hands) and a Junior Chapter (St. Thérèse of Lisieux) dedicated to a Rule of Life including daily prayer, service, and evangelism.
If you would like additional information about our Parish Life ministries, we invite you to complete our Ministry interest card.