What’s Going On? Find out the latest in the All Saints Alive Newsletter


 Worship Ministries:

•    Acolytes

Acolytes lead the processionals in and out of the church and assist the priest during the service. Various Acolyte roles can include those from Kindergarten through High School.

•    Altar Guild

This ministry “sets the stage” for all our worship services, including weddings, baptisms and funerals. The Altar Guild both cares for and places all vessels used during the Eucharist, including candles, flowers, linens, paraments, and vestments.

•    Greeters

Greeters provides a ministry of hospitality, welcoming all newcomers and visitors. This ministry includes adults and high school youth.

•    Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)


LEMs assist with administration of the wine at any celebration of the Eucharist and lead the intercessory prayers. LEMs include adults and confirmed youth.

•    Lectors

Lectors are lay persons who read the Old Testament or New Testament Lessons during services. Lectors include adults and youth age 6th grade and older.

•    Music Ministry

The adult choir sings throughout the year. Children’s and youth choirs perform periodically.

•    Ushers

Ushers assist those coming into the church, providing Sunday bulletins and directions. Ushers take up the collection and assist communicants to and from the altar. Ushering is open to adults and youth ages 4th grade and older.

Parish Life Ministries:

Membership in ECW- Episcopal Church Women - is open to all women of All Saints Episcopal Church.  Our mission is "to encourage the women of the church to share in the whole life if the church, bound together by their common love for God, their common concern for humanity, their common zeal for spreading the Gospel--by promoting and stimulating worship, study, service, and fellowship."  The group meets the first Tuesday of each month, summer months excepted.

Men’s Group: The men of All Saints (and visitors) meet monthly at a local venue for an evening of Christian fellowship. They also sponsor the Job Jar, where members can request help with tasks or minor repairs around their homes or at the church.

Foyers is the French word for hearthside. It carries the image of a small group of friends or family members sharing a common love and concern for each other. Foyers are small groups, made up of couples or singles, formed at random, which meet at least once a month for a simple meal and relaxed conversation. This is a ministry of fellowship, intended to offer an opportunity to deepen old friendships and develop new ones.  If you are new to our parish, Foyers is a wonderful way to meet and learn more about those of us who have been at All Saints for some time. There is no agenda; we are not a study group. Foyers is not intended to DO anything -just to BE what Christians are…groups of people who love one another. Please consider joining us; there is always room at the table. For more information on the All Saints Foyers Ministry, contact Bill or Sheila Freeman.

Fellowship Committee: Meets after the parish monthly Covered Dish luncheon (usually the first Sunday of the month at 11:45 a.m.) and is responsible for planning and carrying out several social activities throughout the year, from Bunco and movie nights to Mass in the Grass and the English Tea. For more information or to help out, contact committee chair Anne Sanders.

Other ways to get involved:

Communications Committee - keeps our community informed of all our activities and events via social media, newsletters, and more.

Memorials Committee - guides All Saints in the use of gifts given in memory of loved ones

Stewardship Committee - helps us recognize that all we have is a gift of God’s grace and providing a path to give of those gifts to God’s glory.