May 25, 2020

Dear All Saints Family,

I’ve had some time alone this past week. Jess had traveled to our home north of Atlanta to do some home maintenance while I stayed here in Warner Robins. In that quiet time, I sharply noticed just how long these past two months have been. How could 60-some days feel as long as a year? I imagine we’ve all noticed this altered sense of time, as we’ve navigated this new, social-distancing reality in all its remoteness. I’ve certainly felt that remoteness in all forms: remote worship, remote pastoral care, remote meetings, remote community.

Part of why these two months have felt so very long for me is that I’ve felt like I’m routinely on an emotional rollercoaster, riding between grief, anger, fear, joy, but also a sense of abiding love and hope. It takes some real physical energy to swing constantly through those ever-changing feelings.

I grieve our inability to physically connect. I’ve been angry at the stark realization that the long-standing inequity of our systems and structures has caused the COVID-19 virus to hit our most vulnerable populations so dramatically. I’ve been fearful for family and friends. And yet there’s such joy: joy in birth and new life; a deep love for this community as we strive to help one another; and abiding hope in the promise of the future, for God is with us.

I was reminded this week by a friend that life is such a miracle — a miracle that doesn’t end in physical birth but continues as we are born and reborn, again and again, over and over. I imagine this is what Jesus is telling us when he talks about being born of the Spirit, for as we continue to grow and experience more of this life, we are constantly invited by our loving God  to see the truth: that out of heartache and loss there also can be new life and love and the chance to begin anew. For we are a Resurrection people, and out of death there is hope, new life, and the capacity for the human soul to truly live.

What gives me hope? Seeing our community explore old and new ways to connect and care for one another.

•    I’ve witnessed our community lean into the very best of the old ways to do things, like phone trees to check on each other; and writing cards or sending short notes to connect with those we can’t see or don’t have access to the internet.

•    I’ve seen us take the risk to try new things. I’ve been excited about the rebirth of our own Food Pantry in this new environment. And this past Thursday, we tried, once again, something new. Four of us (Mary Christian, Darlene Meloche, Buddy Parks, Jr., and I) participated in a Mobile Food Pantry with several other churches at Christ Chapel on Moody Road.  It was a marvelous event, as about 30 of us gathered to put together robust food boxes, then worked together to distribute food to over 300 families, while also offering to pray with all recipients. There’s another Mobile Pantry planned for June 12 in Hayneville, for those who’d like to get involved.

•    And I’ve heard of those who have stretched themselves to find new ways to listen to God, whether through virtual prayer partners, or daily texts to remind and support one another in prayer, or Zoom calls to discuss books and scripture.

God is with us, leading us, whether we’re at home or out in the world. Jesus tells us to love one another — to DO love — love as a verb. Together we can make the good news of God in Christ known and seen and recognized by our work in the world: God’s good work, that we ALL can do.

May you have a blessed Memorial Day holiday, a blessed week during this season of waiting, and continue daily to faithfully strive in hope to live into God’s promise of new life.  Here is prayer from the BCP for those who have given their lives heroically.

O Judge of the nations, we remember before you with grateful

hearts the men and women of our country who in the day of

decision ventured much for the liberties we now enjoy. Grant

that we may not rest until all the people of this land share the

benefits of true freedom and gladly accept its disciplines. This

we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Mother Bonnie+